What is a day spa?

Part of the Spabreaks.com Spa FAQs guide

What is a day spa?

A day spa is a spa destination that has all the rest, relaxation and treatment facilities you might expect from a spa experience, but without any option for overnight accommodation. Of course, the specifics of facilities will vary from one destination to the next. Some have a lot of facilities and experiences, some are designed for short visits perhaps with a dip and workout and a manicure, and some are mostly about pampering, with a heavy focus on treatments themselves. Some day spas will even have their own cafe or restaurant so you can enjoy a whole day including lunch or afternoon tea. Some will be focused on pampering, while others are more focused on health. A day spa is however different from a salon, in that it is not simply about visiting for one treatment - it is still about an experience to be savoured and enjoyed.

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