What do you need for a spa day?

Part of the Spabreaks.com First Time Guide

What do you need for a spa day?

There’s not a lot you need to take with you on a spa day, but a few essentials will help you to make the most of it, feel comfortable and ultimately be relaxed.

One of the most common questions we get is what to wear. We’ve answered this more fully in our What to Wear on a Spa Break guide, and to some extent it depends on the details of your spa break and whether you’re staying overnight or just for the day. After all, if you’re staying overnight then you will need your sleepwear, anything else you would usually bring to a hotel, and perhaps something to dress up in for dinner in the restaurant in the evening.

When it comes to the spa experience itself however, here’s what you need to bring:

  • Wear something comfortable to arrive in, and to change into later in the day or if you need to dress for lunch. It’s best to ask Spabreaks.com or contact the spa in advance to find out if you need to change out of your swimwear and robe for any meals or snacks, and either wear or bring something fit for purpose.
  • Take two swimming costumes - one for using the wet facilities and one to have your treatment in.
  • Bring a pair of flip flops.
  • Find out whether the spa provides robes, towels and slippers before you go and bring them if necessary.
  • If you’re staying overnight, bring a small bag that you can take to the spa with any bits and pieces such as a book, skincare products etc so you don’t have to keep returning to your room.
  • Take a magazine or a good book: For us, reading material is a must on a spa break, but don’t feel like you have to bring something deep and meaningful if you really want to just flick through a gossip magazine - this is all about switching off, so whatever you feel happy with.
  • Don’t forget to bring your booking details. The spa should be able to find all your information just by taking your name, but it never hurts to have your booking number as well.
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