Egyptian Artifacts

The ancient Egyptian civilization lasted over 3,000 years and during that time they created many items that we can still see today.

Their culture was wrapped around a religion based on gods and goddesses and they had the ability to live their lives in a desert, thanks to the River Nile.

Throughout the years, many archeologists and Egyptologists have visited Egypt and found everything from huge monuments and sculptures to the smallest and very beautiful jewelry that the ancient Egyptians wore.

These items, large and small, are called artifacts.

It became a habit of most of the visitors from other countries to take many of the artifacts back with them to their home country.

This is one of the reasons that you will see museums around the world that contain important artifacts.

During a particular time in English history, it was a trend to bring mummies back and the wealthy would have ‘mummy parties’ where they invited guests to watch as they unwrapped the mummy.

Most of the artifacts that were taken from Egypt were small, so they could be transported easily.

Many of the artifacts were made of wood or clay and were items that the ancient Egyptians used in everyday life.

Other items were based on their religious beliefs and were statues of their gods and goddesses. Some of these have been and continue to be for sale to collectors.

The Rosetta Stone is one of the most important artifacts ever found. Before the discovery, no one knew how to translate the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Once the Rosetta Stone was studied, it displayed a message in three different scripts.

This allowed the specialists to understand and read the hieroglyphs.

The ancient Egyptians buried their pharaohs with all of the things they would need to enter and live in the ‘afterlife’.

These tombs were commonly robbed and so archeologists didn’t know what kind of artifacts they would have contained.

The tomb of King Tut was discovered and it had not been opened since the day it was sealed. It was filled with a wonder of artifacts, and since he was a king, they were of the highest quality.

These artifacts were sent around the world to many museums so that people all over the globe could look at the fine craftsmanship and beauty of ancient Egypt.

Why are Egyptian artifacts important?

The ancient Egyptians were very skilled as artists and the artifacts that they left behind covered many talents.

They were excellent at painting, sculpting, working in metals, shaping gold, creating jewelry, building huge monuments and temples, as well as statues of their gods and goddesses and their pharaohs.

The artifacts that have been found show what life was like in ancient Egypt, including living next to the River Nile. They went fishing, hunting, boating, transported goods for trade and fought in battles.

There were many animals that lived in ancient Egypt and the religions of the ancient Egyptians had deep roots in the blend of nature and their gods.

Many of the artifacts are images of animals as well as their gods and goddesses.

The favorite pet of the Egyptians was the cat and there are a number of pictures of their lives and their pet cats.

They loved their cats so much that they would mummify them when they died.

Many of the smaller artifacts that have been found include make up pots, jewelry, game board pieces, statues, mirrors, headrests and storage containers.

The sculptures that have been found look rather plain, but the ancient Egyptians loved color and most were originally painted in brightly colored paint.

While the paint on these have faded over the years, other burial tombs that have been painted still display the images and pictures.