Can you go to a spa if you have cancer?

Part of the Spa FAQs guide

Can you go to a spa if you have cancer?

Although it has taken a long time to get to this point, and we are still working on making spa experiences for cancer patients more readily available, yes you can go to a spa if you have cancer. However, there are some things to consider and it’s a good idea to speak to your oncologist before you go.

Going to a spa when you’re being treated for, living with or recovering from cancer, can be an extremely nurturing experience. However, if you are undergoing cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it can cause your immune system to be compromised, which means that pools, saunas and steam rooms may not be advised whilst having active treatment.

Cancer treatments can also cause much greater skin sensitivities, and depending on the cancer treatment you’re having, therapists may need to adapt massages, facials and other spa treatments for your comfort and optimum benefit – for example to avoid a picc line. works with many spas where therapists have had the training to adapt spa treatments for the different stages of cancer treatment in order to make sure therapies are safe, positive experiences that give you the TLC that you need. It won’t compromise on the quality of your experience – it will simply enhance it to make sure you have everything you need to be in safe hands. You can find out more by following the link to our Safe Hands for Cancer spa experiences.

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