Aromatherapy at home

Part of Spa At Home Guide

Getting started

Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to bring the spa experience home. Different scents and essential oils can have a powerful impact on our mood and how we feel, helping us look after our wellbeing even when we’re on the move. It can completely calm us down, partly because smell is linked to memory, but also because scent has an impact on the brain.

To practice aromatherapy at home, you can order a few essential oils of choice online to help set the scene - Aromatherapy Associates have extremely high quality products available. Or perhaps you have herbs growing in the garden that you can put to therapeutic use. The rule of thumb when it comes to aromatherapy is that while different scents offer different wellbeing benefits, it’s the scent that you are drawn to at that moment in time that your body is currently in need of.

For example:

  • Frankincense is great for focusing the mind
  • Lavender is relaxing and can help with a headache
  • Vetiver can help you unwind and prepare for sleep
  • Pink grapefruit can help you wake up
  • Rosemary helps to stimulate circulation
  • Ylang ylang can be a fantastic confidence boost

The wonderful people at Aromatherapy Associates gave us some fantastic advice on how to use some of these essential oils easily at home, or whenever you need them, with more information on the link below.